Thursday, May 08, 2008

Thinking About Who Can Beat Up Who

I have started a new site that will complement the 1 billion other blogs I have. That new site is My Dad Can Beat Up Your Dad.. Here's it's raison d'etre. (That's French. French, I'm told, is an actual language that people actually speak in countries that nobody actually respects.)

Why "My Dad Can Beat Up Your Dad" exists:

When I was a kid, I read comic books. Invariably, the best of all comic book storylines involved crossovers -- heroes meeting up or villains meeting up and battling it out.

I have vivid memories of the comic book, which I had in giant size, in which Spider-Man met, and fought, Superman, only to turn around and fight Lex Luthor and Doc Octopus. I expect, when I get old, my memory of that fight, including [SPOILER ALERT INVOLVING RAY GUNS] the fact that Luther zapped Spiderman with a ray to make him stronger so that he could hold his own against Superman.

Those crossovers and battles supreme were extensions of the things we'd say as kids -- My dad can beat up your dad.

Crossovers and battles have continued to dominate pop culture (Freddy vs. Jason, Roe v. Wade) since then. And I've noticed lately that a lot of my thinking involves battles, too -- like when I mentioned that 100,000,000 angels vs. 10,000 ,ooo lawyers is likely what the Apocalypse will look like.

From there, it was a short hop, helped by the English language version of the song "Dragostea Din Tei," which you know as Numa Numa -- that song, my morning coffee, and the drive into work forming a harmonic convergence from which emerged this thought:

I should start a blog about who could beat up who.

Hence This Blog.

As always, if you want to submit your own fight, I welcome the interest, the effort, and the opportunity to take a day off by posting what you send me. Think someone can beat up someone else? Send it to me at

"thetroublewithroy [at]"

P.S. -- My dad could have beat up your dad. He was very strong.

P.P.S.-- I wouldn't bet against my Mom, either.

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