Why "My Dad Can Beat Up Your Dad" exists:
When I was a kid, I read comic books. Invariably, the best of all comic book storylines involved crossovers -- heroes meeting up or villains meeting up and battling it out.
I have vivid memories of the comic book, which I had in giant size, in which Spider-Man met, and fought, Superman, only to turn around and fight Lex Luthor and Doc Octopus. I expect, when I get old, my memory of that fight, including [SPOILER ALERT INVOLVING RAY GUNS] the fact that Luther zapped Spiderman with a ray to make him stronger so that he could hold his own against Superman.
Those crossovers and battles supreme were extensions of the things we'd say as kids -- My dad can beat up your dad.
Crossovers and battles have continued to dominate pop culture (Freddy vs. Jason, Roe v. Wade) since then. And I've noticed lately that a lot of my thinking involves battles, too -- like when I mentioned that 100,000,000 angels vs. 10,000 ,ooo lawyers is likely what the Apocalypse will look like.
From there, it was a short hop, helped by the English language version of the song "Dragostea Din Tei," which you know as Numa Numa -- that song, my morning coffee, and the drive into work forming a harmonic convergence from which emerged this thought:
Hence This Blog.
As always, if you want to submit your own fight, I welcome the interest, the effort, and the opportunity to take a day off by posting what you send me. Think someone can beat up someone else? Send it to me at
"thetroublewithroy [at] yahoo.com"
P.S. -- My dad could have beat up your dad. He was very strong.
P.P.S.-- I wouldn't bet against my Mom, either.
P.P.S.-- I wouldn't bet against my Mom, either.
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