Sunday, August 10, 2008

3 down, 7,949 to go.

A task more daunting than what it takes to become a monk... posting and talking about every song on my iPod...

Last night, for about an hour, I played "Box" with Mr F. using the box leftover from a tv we bought to replace their old TV, which broke. When we went out to get the new TV, I mentioned to Sweetie just how different things were now, since when I was a kid, we didn't have our own TV and if we had, our TV breaking would certainly not have been deemed an emergency requiring people to try to go replace it that same night.

"Box" is a pretty easy game; Mr F stands in the box, and I put things in it, like a beach ball or a plastic firefighter, and he throws them back out because he wants to be the only thing in the box. Then, periodically, I shake the box and yell "Earthquake."

I'm saying all that because there's nothing else I've got to associate with today's song, which is "Bobby's Spacesuit" by Cloud Cult. This is also the newest song on my iPod.

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