Monday, October 20, 2008

25 down, 9,095 to go.

I don't know if life gets much better than eating a hamburger for lunch, with a side of two little hamburgers, while watching song 25, which is actually a clip from a movie I downloaded over the weekend.

Here's how I came to download this: I began reading my Entertainment Weekly on Saturday, backwards, as usual, starting with the 10 things listed on the back page, and I got as far as "Take On Me, Literally," which I then immediately went to find on Youtube, and it was hilarious:

So I showed it to Sweetie, who pretended to find it amusing while she did all the little chores that I'd promised to do because it was Sweetest day; and while she did that, I remembered that there was other funny stuff on the Internet, specifically, some kind of musical made by J. J. Abrams, but I wasn't sure, so I asked Sweetie who the guy was that made the movie Firefly, and she said "Which movie?"

"That science-fiction movie with that one guy, Nathan Fillion or something," I said, and added "It was by J.J. Abrams, right?" and she said no, she was pretty sure it wasn't. So I thought a minute, and I said "Josh Whedon," and she corrected me, and said is was Joss Whedon, and I spent a few second googling things like "Joss Whedon Musical Neil Patrick Harris," until I found Dr Horrible's Sing Along Blog, which I then began downloading, but it took three hours, so in between when I started and when it finished, I took the boys for a Baby Workout! consisting of me pushing them in the stroller while jogging, and then letting them walk the nature trail and chase each other around.

After we got home from that, we ate dinner, gave them their baths, read So Big by Elmo, and then played Ball War until bed time -- that's the game where Mr Bunches stands on the other side of the room and we throw little foam golf balls at each other while Mr F tries to tackle me and I try to enforce the rules I make up, like "No head-butting Daddy in the nose."

Which left me so tired that I never actually watched "Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog," which is what led to me sitting and eating my hamburger-with-a-side-of-hamburgers and watching Laundry Day, which is song 25:

And which really isn't a "song" on my iPod, it's part of a video that I downloaded but I'm going to count it anyway, because I make the rules around here, just like I do in "Ball War."

Rachel's not sure where she came from or what she's supposed to do, unless she really is trying to take over the world with a little help from her Octopus, a Valkyrie, and her lover Brigitte. Read Lesbian Zombies Are Taking Over The World!


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