Friday, June 19, 2009

Do Tigers Dream Of Striped Sweaters? (3 Good Things 2)

Yesterday it rained a lot, which might bring other people down, but not me. Because not only do I love to hear the rain in the summertime, but I also had my 3 good things:

1. I got the "SpongeBob Squarepants" CD "The Yellow Album," featuring The Sweater Song.

2. I got 2 of the 3 air-conditioners installed.
3. Oldest paid up on my birthday present. For presents, I always ask that I get to go somewhere or do something instead of getting gifts. Oldest in January had promised to take me to a movie, and yesterday, she and Sweetie and I went to see The Hangover, and she paid. So, free movie!

Read the previous 3 good things here...

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