Sunday, August 02, 2009

I don't get, though, how people can drink "True Blood" in real life. (3 Good Things From 8/1/09)

How long can I keep this up? Forever: There's no shortage of good things to choose my 3 Good Things from, especially on days like yesterday when...

1. Sweetie and I finally watched Miss March (her pick for the funniest movie moment ever) and it turned out to be pretty good.

2. We also -- it was kind of a movie marathon Saturday -- watched episodes 1 and 2 of True Blood and despite my knee-jerk reaction of disliking all things vampire-y, that was pretty good, too.

3. And, to make sure everyone understands that we didn't spend all day watching TV, we also took the Babies! to the Arboretum, scratching off another of the Summer to-do list items.

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