Friday, February 04, 2011

Vistaprint coupon codes from Best Online Coupons may help win an election.

As many of you know, I've been running for judge in our county. What you may NOT know about that is that it's REALLY hard to raise money to run for local judge -- the candidate can't ask for money himself, and even if I could, people don't necessarily pony up millions to a judge's campaign.

But I still need fliers, bumper stickers, magnets and yard signs -- and other printed materials, like labels and letterhead and envelopes -- and I've got to get those things on a shoestring budget.

That's why I bookmarked the Vistaprint coupons available through Best Online Coupons. Vistaprint has all the things I need (pens, stamps, notepads, other giveaways) and Best Online Coupons makes those things affordable to an underfunded (but very noble and worthy) judicial campaign.

One coupon gave 60% off all products; another gave free shipping -- which effectively MORE THAN DOUBLED my advertising budget just by using a
Vistaprint free shipping code available online, for free. If I can get stuff half price, I can get double the stuff. That means there might be TWO yard signs out there for me, soon -- more if I can get Sweetie to advance my allowance.

Best Online Coupons has coupons in more areas than that; they've got coupons in every category from A to W -- that's apparel to weddings, but I'll bet they'll find a Y and Z soon, so as soon as online retailers start selling yo-yos and zithers, you'll be able to save on those just like you can save on yard signs (hey, there's a Y!) and baby clothes and laptops and more with the coupons on the site.

So whatever you're shopping for, the Vistaprint coupon codes can save you money -- and maybe help me get elected!

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