Thursday, July 26, 2012

It's our own Off-Broadway production!

Mr Bunches recently watched an episode of Blue's Clues where they read and animated the children's book Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, about a bunch of letters who climb a coconut tree and then fall out. (It's quite dramatic.)

Then he got the book on his iPad.

Now, he re-enacts the book using one of his alphabet puzzles.  So two, sometimes three times a day, we get a live, dramatic interpretation of Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, STARRING THE ORIGINAL CAST.


Andrew Leon said...

That sounds like a production I'd like to see.

Briane said...

We'll put the touring company out on the road in 2013, featuring the runner-up from this year's "American Idol" in a cameo role as The Coconut Tree.