Sunday, May 18, 2014

Mr Bunches: Poet Laureate

Not to be outdone, Mr F
found a rock that looked exactly like a fish.
We went to the Arboretum (basically a big nature preserve) yesterday for a walk, and about 2/3 of the way through, Mr Bunches was getting a little tired, so I hoisted him onto my shoulders, and as we walked he would grab at the leaves we were passing under.

He finally got one, and showed it to me, and then said:

"Dad, want me to tell you a story?"

I said sure, and he told me the story.

I was amazed.  Stunned, literally. I stopped walking and I said what?

He said it again, the whole story.

I said "Sweetie, you've got to hear this," and as they walked back I had Mr Bunches hold up his leaf so I could take a picture of it.

Once they got back to us, I said "Tell them your story, too," and he said it again and Sweetie, too, was impressed.

Here, transcribed onto the picture I took, is the exact story Mr Bunches told us:


Andrew Leon said...

See, now, I generally don't like haiku (Western haiku) because it's rarely actually haiku. It's just 17 syllable someone spouted out and called a haiku.
However, this really captures haiku. It's beautiful.

Liz A. said...

He's a writer, too.

Briane said...

He's amazing.