Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Hey why were all these CEOs willing to back Trump and be in his White House?

"In the months after the election, the stock price of CVR, Icahn’s refiner, nearly doubled—a surge that is difficult to explain without acknowledging the appointment of the company’s lead shareholder to a White House position. The rally meant a personal benefit for Icahn, at least on paper, of half a billion dollars."

-- from The New Yorker, in an article about how billionaire Carl Icahn failed -- their word, not mine -- in his 'raid on Washington.

Although perhaps a better question than the headline would be "Why are publishers and reporters so committed to not actually reporting what is going on?"


Andrew Leon said...

Yeah, I hate when people talk about how -only- making a $100million (or something like that) is a failure. I mean, WTF?!?!

Liz A. said...

Everyone's so desperate for "normal" that they're grasping for it even when it's not there.