Thursday, November 13, 2008

Gift Giving Ideas For Someone Other Than Me, For A Change.

Christmas is the time of year that I traditionally spend pointing out repeatedly those things that I want others to buy for me. I'm going to branch out a little this year and give people ideas for things to buy for OTHER People.

That's a tough thing, too. Getting someone else a gift is hard, especially if, like me, you don't really know what other people want because you spend so much time telling them what YOU want.

Despite that, I have at least a vague notion of what other people want for Christmas, and that vague notion is: "They want something really nice." Something like this:
That's only one of the too-many-to-count unique Christmas gifts & gift giving ideas from the "" website, which, all joking aside, is where I go to get presents for the majority of the people in my life: Mom, Grandma, In-laws of various degrees of relationship. The site has something that almost any relative will like. For Mom, there's that Thomas Kinkade Snowman, above. For my brother-in-law Charlie, I can pick up NASCAR collectibles and watches.

They've even got NASCAR Train sets, so I can get something for Charlie's Son, Baby Charlie, who likes trains -- making my Christmas shopping a breeze, and giving me more time to get back to what's really important about this time of year:

Telling people what ELSE I want.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for this post. Gives an idea about EGWP as a gift.