Wednesday, January 07, 2009

I'm a silver-lining-in-gray-clouds kind of guy, I guess.

One of the unmentioned good parts to a recession and market shake-out like we're going through right now is that there can be opportunities there, too.

For example, the mortgage crisis will help purge the market of the mortgage brokers and mortgage bankers that have not been good at business, forcing the bad businesses to leave and slowing down the growth of the good businesses. Which means that when the market starts to pick up again, there will be people looking for houses, and trying to qualify for mortgages -- and not enough banks and brokers to go around.

Which makes this a good time to get going via mortgage net branching. Mortgage net branching allows a loan originator or broker with experience to start up their own business and be their own boss -- backed by the experience and economic clout of a 1st Metropolitan mortgage as a partner.

I've been reading 1st Met's site today (I happened on it in the course of looking up some actual work stuff) (you can find it at, or find information about them at and their business plan looks like it makes sense: the site explains how 1st Met can work for you in setting up a business using mortgage net branching, and has valuable information and news tips that can keep you informed about the business.

You can even, on the site, see if you qualify to become partners in 1st Met's business today.

So the recession doesn't mean bad news for everyone forever; if you're in the mortgage broker, loan originator, or mortgage banking fields, a stop by 1st Met's site could be the first step into building your own business and poising yourself to take advantage of the recovery.

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