Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Snakk Begib: 42 down, 9,018 to go.

You know what's cool? Cool is liking stuff because I actually like it. Like 70s music. I like 70s music because 70s music is big and brash and has synthesizers and flourishes and was glam and powerful and sort of messy, the way I picture the 70s themselves. I have to picture the 70s, instead of remember the 70s, because I turned 11 in 1980, so my memories of the 1970s are limited to:

1. My mom crying when Elvis died.
2. Hostages in Iran, which I think took place in the 70s and ended in the 1980s.
3. Shorts with stripes down the side.
4. My neighbor, Paul Barquist, having a "Skylab" watch in which he sat on his front lawn with an umbrella.

That's it for actual memories of the 70s but I absorbed a lot of the spirit of the 1970s. Which is why I like song 42,
which is "Small Beginnings," by "Flash."

And which is why I actually like it, instead of pretending to like it so people will think I'm hip and ironic, like some people.

Also, when I went to type "Small Beginnings" into the Youtube search, my right hand was misplaced but my left wasn't, so it came out: "snakk begib..."

Hence the title.

Also-er, wouldn't "Hence The Title" be a good title for a book? I'm not sure what kind of book, but I think it should be the title of a book.

Also-est: Those shorts are not me. Just a picture I found. Not me. go = Me + the music on my iPod + what I think of when I listen to the music on my iPod. Read song 41 here.


Did you know a short horror story of mine, Don't Eat My Face, will appear in the upcoming anthology "Harvest Hill," available next fall from Graveside Tales? Go to their site to find out more and order your copy! And don't forget to read my other horror stories on AfterDark.

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