Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Immortal Cheese: The Found Alphabet: A

About two years ago, Sweetie and I were walking around a mall. She was shopping. I was accompanying. I began looking at the signs and tags and clothes and cars and license plates and seeing the variety of styles and fonts that were used. I then began taking pictures of the various letters whenever I found them interesting, for whatever reason.

That's the story behind The Found Alphabet, which I'll begin today with all-new pictures of the letters I come across in my life, and the reason why I like them.

This "a" was on the wall at the grocery store where I stopped to get Sweetie's gift card for Valentine's Day. She likes the salad bar they have in the store and goes there on weekends to get herself a fresh salad.

I like the fact that on the walls at the store, there are quotes about food that make grocery shopping seem a little more philosophical and a little less a chore.

This "a" was in the quote "Food is our common ground, a universal experience." That's not my favorite quote in the store, though. My favorite quote is: Cheese: Milk's leap toward immortality.

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