Tuesday, November 22, 2016

OK so admittedly I did just rag on short story collections but it's different when it's MY OWN.

The threat of bacon lay heavily on the air: sweet and hot and wet.

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Scientists for years have been wondering about Einstein's brain.

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Pete and Repeat went out in a boat. 

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Toby learned he was going to be a father shortly after he'd learned they were having a war.

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Those are the opening lines of the first four stories in worldwarfour, my new collection of short stories available for FREE today through Saturday on your Amazon Kindle. Click here to buy it.

worldwarfour 's stories are about time travel, and pigs, and kids, and Africa, and old jokes, but more than that they are about life as a battle to understand the forces that shape us and push us, pull us, move us.  worldwarfour is about the struggle we all have against our own instincts, and our own lives.

Regardless of who you are or where you are from, you will find someone to connect with in these stories, and you will find the theme of the powers that be versus the powers we want to be a universal feeling that connects us all.

Here is the opening line from the final story in the book:

Mom wouldn’t be home for hours. The woods were hot. The hill where Jimmy had tried to jump his bike over the plywood ramp only to mess it up and break his head and the paramedics had to come all the way out into the woods and his family had moved away after was right in front of him.  He was failing math. It was October 3. 

Get worldwarfour for free by clicking here.

1 comment:

Andrew Leon said...

You're just trying to make me read it with that thank you, aren't you?
Man, I am so far behind! I still have at least two other of your collections to read!