Until then:
Today's workout: Biking, 11 miles, 45:45 (level 5)
Latest weight: 252. (OH YEAH, DID I MENTION I LOST A POUND?)
Today's song that reminds me of when I used to listen to 45's on my parent's hi-fi:
King of the Road, Roger Miller.
I'm only going to do this about once a week, so there's some movement. Since Monday, I biked, swam and ran, and went a total of 20 miles, so I am:
At the "Abraham's Wood's State Natural Area," in Green County, Wisconsin. Affectionately known as "Number 38" by the Department of Natural Resources,
The woods is known for its spectacular display of spring wildflowers and is noted by botanists for its floristic richness including two rare species. Herbaceous plants include sharp-lobed hepatica, dogtooth violet, false rue anemone, nodding trillium, and dutchmen's breeches. There are large clumps of Goldie's fern in the amphitheater and wood nettle and yellow jewelweed dominate the midsummer flora. Typical of a mesic forest, it has few, widely scattered shrubs including chokecherry and American bladdernut. An active Great Blue Heron rookery is found in the woods.
"American Bladdernut," looks like this:
and its seeds come in little capsules that protect them as they float in rivers and the like.
Just thought you'd want to know: That's what I'm (theoretically) seeing as I exercise.