... so we never have to think about it again, right? NOTHING TO FIX HERE. Keep that in mind when the GOP -- soon to be NUMBER ONE IN PEDOPHILE SENATORS!! -- threatens to tear down Obamacare, too. What we had before was terrible. Obamacare is terrible. What we will have next is terrible.
Here's what got me started thinking about this. From
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal:
We live in a dystopia.
But Obamacare is horrible BECAUSE of Republicans, who have been chopping it up since it began.
If we manage to get single-payer through here in CA, maybe it will finally happen everywhere.
Healthcare is NOT an entitlement.
Liz, you're right.
Andrew: I agree and disagree. I think health care has become a basic fundamental necessity that society has an obligation to provide, like education and shelter. I think that's what you mean: that it's not something we can cut off.
Yeah, I wrote a post about that.
Healthcare is a right that the government should be protecting.
Like speech.
And freedom of religion.
"Chelsea leave Ruben Loftus-Cheek on loan>> Lampard said to increase his chances of entering the field."
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