The Greatest Thing In The World EVER! is a new category here on Thinking The Lions, one that'll celebrate those things I stumble across or am told about in my never-ending quest to never ever do anything even remotely productive again. These things -- The Greatest Things In The World EVER! -- will be those things that once you learn about them, you can't stop wanting to take part in them -- read them, send them to people via email links, tattoo homages to them on your body so that you can regret them when you're 70, and so on.
These are not just ordinary things. These are way beyond that

Below is a list of all the things that have been The Greatest Things In The World EVER!
Fastest Possible Drawings of Everything.
Missy, by The Airborne Toxic Event.
Hyperbole and a Half, the blog.
Stephen Colbert's version of Friday.
A Softer World.
Jonathan Coulter
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