Thursday, May 05, 2011

Why should the Devil (Friday's Sunday's Poem/Hot Actress, 80)

Triolet on a Line Apocryphally Attributed to Martin Luther
by A.E. Stallings.

Why should the Devil get all the good tunes,
The booze and the neon and Saturday night,
The swaying in darkness, the lovers like spoons?
Why should the Devil get all the good tunes?
Does he hum them to while away sad afternoons
And the long, lonesome Sundays? Or sing them for spite?
Why should the Devil get all the good tunes,
The booze and the neon and Saturday night?


About the Poem:
I got this poem sent to me on a card that was included with a Poetry magazine solicitation. I didn't order Poetry, but I did read the poem and keep the card, which makes me a free rider of sorts, I guess. But I liked the poem, and liked it even more once I realized that I could relate it to a TV show I watched this week, the show being Tosh.0, in which he joked that Church music is terrible.

So, poetry and a web-clip stand-up comedian show: that summarizes the level of my intellectual development. Plus, it rhymes!

About the Hot Actress: I asked Sweetie for a nomination and she picked Jenna Fischer, who I noted had been the Hot Actress about 87 times already. (Or twice, plus once being the good luck charm for a sports post.) So she went with Sofia Vergara, who, in retrospect, seems oddly fitting for this post, and who, oddly, had never made the cut before.

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