Monday, September 24, 2012

Maybe I'll get MY name on those testimonials! I'll be FAMOUS!

"The pain in my knees and ankles had diminished." 

"It has dramatically eased my aching joints and stiffness."

Those are two different people talking about nopalea, a drink I came across while looking for ways to continue to get in shape and improve my health.

I don't know much about Nopalea, yet.  I know that the site says it's made of (primarily) the fruit of the "Nopal cactus," and that it relies on "bioflavinoids" for the benefits it touts.  Those are chemical compounds that are being researched for their use in various cures for human conditions, and while I'm no medical expert, the stuff Nopalea says on the website sounds good to me; they say that the Nopalea drink can reduce inflammation and help with allergies and toxins.

They do that, Nopalea says, by helping remove damaged and dead cells, taking away the wastes in your body and leaving healthy cells, which the bioflavinoids then help protect against further injury or harm.

Again: I'm no doctor, and the site says that the drink "may" help, so they're being pretty honest about what they think they can do.  But as everyone knows, I've been trying to get into shape and dealing with a lot of problems doing that, not least of which are the problems caused by being 43 years old and trying to work out: stiff joints, sore knees and feet, and the like.

Ordinarily, I wouldn't try anything that promises a miracle cure, but they don't seem to be promising that, just that they may help . And, equally importantly, Nopalea is offering to let people like me try it without risk by offering a free (or almost free) 32 ounce sample -- just by calling their number I can get a drink and all I have to pay for is the shipping.

Will it work? The testimonials say it will, and it doesn't seem like there's harm in trying. 

1 comment:

Andrew Leon said...

Does it do anything for stomach flu?