Monday, December 22, 2008

I'll still make it The Boy's job to clean it.

It's been winter now, officially, for about 24 hours-- but it's been snowing and raining and leaves-falling-ing for longer than that here in Wisconsin, all of which is causing havoc on the garage floor where I have to park, and where I have to walk to get into the house.

We've got the old-fashioned kind of cement floor, the kind that's stained and full of cracks where water can seep in, the kind that looks... pleh. Just pleh. And that's not good, when you consider that the garage is the doorway we use most often, it's where we store important things like Giant Rudolph and my bike, it's where my workbench is, and also when you consider that more and more, garages are becoming sort of all-purpose utility rooms that can really help increase a house's value.

So I've been looking at PremierGarage for custom garage flooring. They specialize in putting in floor coatings, and also in installation of cabinets and organizers. They can turn a garage from a cement-floored wet leaf covered dump into a whole new area of my house, an area where I won't cringe when I walk out into it, where I'll be happy to show my dad the stuff I've been working on, where my Christmas decorations and tools will be protected from the elements in style.

That, and the floors are two times harder than the traditional cement floors, so when I drop the drill or saw, or when the car pulls into it, I don't have to worry about getting new cracks.

The garage takes up a lot of space in a house, and isn't really used-- because it's ugly and wet and cold. But with PremierGarage, a whole new element to your house can be opened up.

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