Monday, December 22, 2008

Welcome a new reader!

As I've said, recently, I'm trying to recognize my readers and pay a little attention to the people who pay a little attention to me. It's all another step in my personal development and ongoing effort to be less self-involved -- so eventually, I might talk about something at the dinner table other than myself.

But not yet. I'm not there yet.

Anyway, today's Welcomed Reader is Digital Speed, a writer who claims to have a "short, fast blog with insight to the digital world," but there's a lot more to it than that, because that doesn't capture the poetic nature of blog entries like "Vulcan's Lament," with this great line: "Men take all of their memories to Pluto, leaving sons with but memories of conversations." And "insight to the digital world" does not capture the pure genius of "Burger King Is Awesome," which you have to go read. Just do it.

And thanks, "Digital Speed," for reading.

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