Richard Brautigan

I want your long blonde beauty
to be taught in high school,
so kids will learn that God
lives like music in the skin
and sounds like a sunshine harpsichord.
I want high school report cards
to look like this:
Playing with Gentle Glass Things
Computer Magic
Writing Letters to Those You Love
Finding out about Fish
Marcia’s Long Blonde Beauty
About the Poem: I keep meaning to stick to my guns and only put poems that rhyme in here, so that I can make some sort of point about how poems ought to rhyme. But then I read a poem like this and think, "Boy, I like that poem." There's usually one line I really like about a poem, a line that makes it stand out and get picked. This one is no different: the line is Finding Out About Fish. That should be a subject in school.

(I think Sweetie feels compelled to pick a hot actress for the FSP because she gave up picking Hunks of the Week. Sort of. She doesn't pick them for my blog anymore, but she does still download pictures of guys like Landon Donovan onto our computer desktop.)
1 comment:
Wasn't this a Sunday poem? I always liked the name.
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