I'll keep saying it 'til you keep getting it. It's time for you to get independent with your website and start actually promoting your business or book or CD.
Let's take a hypothetical look at one hypothetical author who I will call "Gohn Jrisham." One day, Gohn had an idea for a book about a guy who worked in the legal industry. Gohn thought to himself, "This idea is golden!" and so he wrote the story and sent it to a publisher and the publisher liked it and made it into a book and John became wildly popular and went on to rewrite that story over and over again, each time just changing the main character's name and people still bought the books because people suck.
Now, consider what would have happened if John... oh, whatever... had had himself his own website, which he could have gotten using a myhosting coupon code and with his website this thinly-veiled allegory could have written his book and indie-published it, with a dedicated website and an author's page all for way less than you'd expect, since the promo codes at Domain Promo Codes let you get websites for as little as $1.99, so you could have a website like iamdefinitelynottalkingaboutanyrealauthorshere.com or somesuch.
Now, true, in that latter case John wouldn't have had the billions of dollars of profits that come from simply Xeroxing your book and sending it to the publisher again, but he would have had artistic integrity, and isn't that worth something?
What? Oh. I see. Well, anyway, just get yourself your own website and see if that doesn't make your business wildly successful. I'm betting it will. I see your business as the plucky little upstart, just out of business school, ready to take on the big guys, and then one day a customer walks in, telling you a story about how all the BIG businesses are conspiring together, and at first your business doesn't want to take them on and turns her away because your business is afraid... afraid because Big Business killed your businesses grandfather. But then one day, your business wakes up and is looking out the window, and sees Big Business, just walking by, looking all innocent... and swinging your business' grandfather's watch.
Wait, don't leave. I'm on to something, here. See, your business has a brother, a sort of... where are you going?
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