Thursday, November 13, 2008

38 down, 9,091 to go. (Plus an Instant Karma Update)

Everyone wanted an update on The Boy and his wrangles with Instant Karma, so I will provide a brief one. Last night, on the way home from "work," I put on my lawyer hat... although since "work" involves me being a lawyer, technically speaking I guess I left on my lawyer hat...

... and don't get confused; I don't actually wear a lawyer hat. I don't wear any hats anymore, really, for two reasons:

First, the Babies! get upset when I put on a hat and try to knock the hat back off. They do not for some reason get upset when I take the basket that is ordinarily supposed to be holding the newspaper and put it on my head [the basket, not the newspaper]. I can put the basket on my head because it rarely holds an actual newspaper, as the actual newspaper has usually been taken out of the basket by Mr F, who likes to tear up paper and then drop it on the floor in what I take to be experiments of some sort or another; Mr F seems quiet but is probably a mad-scientist-in-the-making.

Second, I don't wear hats anymore because my head has gained weight and my hats don't fit. It's depressing to not be able to fit into my old pants. It's super-depressing to not be able to fit into my old hats.

Anyway, I called the dad of the kid who hit The Boy, and learned that the kid who hit The Boy claimed that The Boy hit the kid's car.

Now, I've seen the evidence; it would be possible for The Boy to have hit the other kid's car and cause the damage to the front of the other kid's car only if The Boy was able to warp space and time, which he cannot do (so far as I know.)

But because we were at an impasse, and because I was at home by then, I left it at that and told Mr. Other Kid's Dad that I'd just call his insurance company and involve them. Then I went inside, where I picked up Mr F and Mr Bunches and had them nearly strangle me by trying to rip off my tie.

They don't like ties, either.

Song 38: My Best Friend's Girl. Why? Because it's by The Cars! I have the soul of a poet.

Down... to my life alongside all the music that is my life. read song 37 here. Don't know what I'm talking about with the accident and The Boy and all? Read Instant Karma Has The Boy On Speed Dial.

Clouds Rule:

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