Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Really? 54 down, 9,139 to go.

I timed it out today, and I now know this as a "scientific" fact:

It takes exactly 17 minutes of driving in traffic to totally frustrate me to the point where I let loose with my word of choice, which is generally "Really?" said sarcastically. It goes like this:

Me: (driving peacefully and listening to music). "Hmmm. The world really is great."

Other dumb drivers: (Turning left, or braking, or doing both, or otherwise impeding me. And it doesn't matter if they're in the right or not, because they're impeding me and thereby violating the Silver Rule. Also, left turns should NEVER be allowed. There is nothing at all in this world worth someone turning left for.)

Me: "Really?"

It takes, as I said, 17 minutes of driving in traffic for me to get to that point.

My commute takes 35 minutes.

Down... to go: My life with my songs. Because isn't everything a little better when it's set to music? Song 53 here.

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