Over to the right are Mateo and McHale Shaw (and their grandpa, and brother Maddux). Mateo and McHale were born conjoined and have defied all odds and have gone on surviving and thriving through dozens of surgeries. Their parents, Ryan and Angie Shaw, not only are raising these two boys (and their little brother Maddux) but are great people in their own right.
I'm trying to get everyone who reads one of these SUPERXmas posts to go to the Shaws' website and wish McHale and Mateo a Merry Christmas, and to urge you on, I'm going to give away a a $20 Amazon Gift Card.
Here's the rules:
1. Visit Mateo and McHale Shaw's Caring Bridge site; you can get to it here. You'll have to sign in, but that's not so hard, right?

2. Leave them a comment in the guest book wishing them "Merry Christmas," (or happy holidays, or whatever nice greeting you want.)
3. Post on your blog a link to that site and tell people why you did it.
4. Leave a comment on this blog and tell me where to find your link.
Once I get that comment here and verify your link, I'll put your name in a drawing and on December 26, the winner will get named and will have a little post-Christmas reward to look forward to.
Already commented, and therefore eligible for the $20:
Author Michael Offutt; Go click "to-read" on his upcoming sci-fi book "Slipstream."
Author Patrick Dilloway. Go buy his awesome book "Where You Belong," and give it to someone as a gift. And buy one for yourself.
Confidential to Andrew Leon: If you don't want the $20 for yourself, donate it to a good cause.
I'm going to wish the twins a Merry Christmas, but the link stuff is challenging to me, so I'm not sure I can pull that off! Haha! So I'm disqualified, but wishing those cutie-pie twins a Merry Christmas is my pleasure!
Good stuff, I hope that giant heart of yours isn't due to some medical condition.
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