"You can't hold a blogfest and then not take part in other people's blogfests. That s**t ain't right."--
Abraham Lincoln.
Today is Day One of the "I'm Hearing Voices" blogfest hosted by Live To Write... Edit When Necessary," and as the host of the wildly-successful The Stupid Pineapple Blogfest, I'm gonna try to be part of society here and maybe give a little back, in the form of "secretly advertising this book that I just released..."
Today is "Characters on the couch," the challenge being to have a character answer the questions posed by the bloghosts.

Saorise from the After takes an online profile test to help pass the time, as she is actually dead and living in an afterlife in which everything is supposed to be exactly the way you want it... which poses some interesting problems when what you think you want is not what you actually want...
1. What is your biggest vulnerability? Do others know this or is it a secret?
I have a great deal of difficulty accepting that this particular life... or state of existence, or whatever it is, is what I've got and I should make the best of it, even when I can make things better simply by accepting just that. Almost everyone knows this about me -- especially William Howard Taft, who tried to use that facet of my personality to get me to lead him to a way out of the After.
2. What do people believe about you that is false?
That I didn't love my life. I realize now that I was happier than I thought I was -- but I didn't know that at the time.
3. What would your best friend say is your fatal flaw? Why?
If I have a best friend, it's my husband Ansel. He would probably say that my fatal flaw was making the decision I made when I finally found what I'd been looking for for so long. Maybe it wasn't my place to determine that outcome for everyone, but I did what I did because it was for the best for everyone else but me.
4. What would the same friend say is your one redeeming quality? Why?
I never give up. Even when I was feeling lost in that house, even when the lightning was crashing all around me, even when the only choice I had was to keep on swimming down, down, down into the water and I didn't know where I was headed... I didn't give up.
5. What do you want most? What will you do to get it?
To go back. And there's nothing, and everything, I wouldn't do to get that.
Click here to read more about the After.
I would like to know how you pronounce the name Saorise.
Great interview and kudos for keeping it short.
Thanks for choosing me as the winner of the blogfest. That was a good entry as I also won real money from all the bets I made. Go ELI!
Intriguing story line! And interesting character. Thanks for sharing!
Really cool character here. I'd like to know how to pronounce the name too, lol.
I like the setup you used of the personality test. That helps to put it into context.
And how much effort did it take to keep it at the word limit? I bet you so badly wanted to just keep going and going on those answers.
Echoing the others, I too would like to know how you pronounce your character's name lol!
That aside, I found your interview very exciting, and really intriguing!
Gotta love a strong female character!
(New Follower)
Abe Lincoln was one wise man.
Your character has heart and strength. It sounds like a good story.
That quote by Abraham Lincoln at the beginning--BRILLIANT!!! I couldn't stop laughing.
Saorise is so conflicted. I love it. This story has such a cool premise. Great job :)
Wow, Saorise's story sounds really gripping and amazing. Me too on pronouncing the name :)
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