Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Cyber Defender: Like a superhero, only it's an inanimate computer program. (But it might still wear a cape.)

Do you know what a Gumblar is?

You SHOULD, I suppose. "Gumblar" is a virus that redirects people from the page they wanted to be on on the Internet, to a fake page that will install malware onto their computer. And it could be your page they blame, either your blog or business website or social networking spot -- so your customers could be trying to find your website, and end up crashing their computers or being the victim of identity theft.

Or you could have that happen to you -- go to your home page or blog or email and end up on a phish site with your personal ID numbers being siphoned out of your computer.

And you'd probably never even heard of Gumblar. Who can blame you? It's impossible to keep up with all the new viruses and problems that stupid hackers can cause. That's why I don't even try. I just use Cyber Defender.

Cyber Defender helps protect a computer against pop-ups, spam, infected emails, and other troubles - - and if one gets through anyway, Cyber Defender can remove it from your computer, protecting you twice over. Using that program, I don't have to keep up with all the viruses and cures and hacks; I just have to keep my Cyber Defender current and I can surf the Internet in peace.

Cyber Defender can even protect you against the trojan horse virus, a particularly bad virus that lets a hacker use your computer like it was your own -- so that YOU'LL be blamed for the illegal downloads and problems caused. Trojan horses can give up your personal ID, log you into your bank accounts, send out spam, and worse. Why risk it? You can get Cyber Defender, or you can be a victim. I know which side of that line I want to fall on.

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