We got into our seats about 9:52, with me thinking that the Babies! would last 8 minutes until the movie started, before getting restless. But then the movie started late, Mr Bunches got nervous about all the people and the dark, and Mr F bumped his head on the seat, forcing us to abandon our seats and wait in the hallway for a few minutes. We tried again, and they watched about 10 minutes of the actual movie -- but we had to leave when Mr F's boredom prompted him to roll like a log across the front of the theater.
3. I got the regular 'puter working again, finally. After our laptop broke down, then got repaired, I needed to reactivate the internet service for it to begin using it again, and I'd been putting that off because of how time-consuming and tedious I thought it would be. But by Friday, I was tired of having our tiny 'puter and not having access to all my actual files and writings and stuff, so I took advantage of getting home from work early on Friday to get on the phone to my wireless provider and find out how to de-activate the netbook and re-activate the laptop. She walked me through the complicated process as follows:
Her: "Plug in the card, then click "Tools,", and "Activate."
Me: "Done. Now what?"
Her: "Now you're done."
I'm glad I could fix things like that.
(But it was good to get the laptop going again, because then I didn't have any more tiny screens to squint at, and we could use all our music again, and I had my stuff saved on the hard drive, stuff like my novel the After -- and I finally got to update that over on 5 Pages.)
(Sweetie, on the other hand, took advantage of the return of the laptop to download some Lady Gaga songs.)
(And the theme from Cold Case.)
(No, I don't know why, either.)
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