Monday, April 13, 2009

We might even tell the older kids where our new house is located. Maybe...

More and more, Sweetie and I are thinking about the next house we'll live in. As the older kids move on and out (Oldest is on her own, and Middle is going to college in the fall, with The Boy to follow next year) we're thinking we don't need such a big house, and we might upgrade in new-ness and downgrade in size.

And so we spend a lot of time driving around and looking at houses, but each one has a flaw in it, and the flaw is that, for each of the houses we see out there for sale, it's somebody else's house. They're for the most part perfectly fine, even great, houses, but they're not our dream home, they're somebody else's dream home.

And I'd like my own dream home. (And Sweetie's, of course.)

Then I got to reading these Schumacher Homes Reviews and thought "Maybe they're the place to go with for a builder." One of the reviews said this:

You see, my family rules. We are a force to be reckoned with. And, we sure as heck couldn’t be caught in a home that made us lesser than what we were. So, I contacted Schumacher Custom Homes and discussed with them making a custom home for us, a home worthy of a great, strong family. As a strong, great family run business themselves, they were pleased to hear from me and went out of their way to make sure our home would be better than expected, even better than us! And, they delivered!

And that's the kind of feeling I have, too -- my family rules, and I want our next house to be a house that was made for us, not for someone else. Schumacher Homes promises to build my dream house, and the reviews I read at that website back them up. Review after review, people are pleased with the outcome and recommend Schumacher.

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