Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Boy's aphorisms need a little work. (3 Good Things From 10/27/09)

1. The nice kids at the Mall let Mr F play with their toy. Last night was a workout night for me (every day divisible by 3 is) and for my incredibly strenuous exercise, I opted to take the Babies! to play at the In-The-Mall Playground, where the "workout" consisted of chasing Mr Bunches around, mostly. While there, Mr F saw a little toy that he liked, and wanted to play with it, but it wasn't his. When the older kids whose toy it was found out, though, they said he could use it while we were there. That made Mr F very happy. Then, he dropped the toy somewhere and we couldn't find it before we left, so I paid them back by just sneaking out.

And why don't all malls have playgrounds in them? Even in nice-weather-areas, it's a great idea, because while we were there, Sweetie bought a shirt, thereby helping keep our local economy going.

2. I got to listen to the end of The Dan Patrick Show on my drive home from court, and therefore was treated to Dan Patrick and Darius Rucker (Hootie!) dueting on Take On Me.

3. The Boy had all his homework done, in advance, of asking to go watch the Middleton H.S. football team's playoff game. It's rare that he thinks ahead like that; The Boy has always believed it's better to ask forgiveness than permission, and even better to complain about stupid rules than to ask for anything.


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