Sunday, October 25, 2009

Watch This! (It's a pun. You'll get it in a second.)

Every year, you have to go out and get Christmas presents, and some of those Christmas presents are for people you don't know very well. Maybe you have an office "Secret Santa" program and got the receptionist that you never talk to except to complain about the coffee or lie about "working from home." Or maybe you drew your sister-in-law's name for the family gift exchange, and the only thing you know about her is she's related to your wife.

If that's you, then, first of all, don't you think you should try a little harder to relate to people and fit in with society? At least learn your sister-in-law's NAME, for pete's sake. And, secondly, why not get that person a nice watch?

Every needs a good watch, like the casio pathfinder or another great Casio watch, and with, everyone can get a good watch for Christmas, and your shopping can be done in seconds with a couple of clicks, like my shopping was.

The Pathfinder watch is the one I picked out to get for my Dad's new wife. She's one of those people who you never know what to get them; she likes, so far as I can tell, wearing sweaters, and being married to my dad, and that's about all I know.

So I searched through Blue Dial and checked out all the ladies' watches, and found that one. It's got a stopwatch, auto-calendar, it's nice-looking but functional, and it'll make a great Christmas present.

Plus, I'm done with my shopping now; Blue Dial has free 2nd-day shipping for all orders, so I don't even have to worry about it arriving in time for the holidays.

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