Saturday, August 29, 2009

Really, it's just giving me my money back, but it's like finding money, sort of. (3 Good Things From 8/28/09)

Even though I didn't get to leave work early like I'd planned... and in fact had to work late, I still had no trouble coming up with 3 Good Things from yesterday.

1. I got my mileage reimbursement for August a couple of days early. It's nice to get an unexpected check left on your desk just before the weekend.

2. When Sweetie and I walked the Babies! to McDonald's for an ice cream after dinner -- an ice cream that neither of us got, as it turned out, as after walking there neither of us wanted one -- we left early from the Playland because the other kids were really, really loud. We headed back home earlier than we'd planned, which turned out lucky because we got home mere minutes before a horrible thunderstorm broke out.

3. Mr F fell asleep all curled in a blanket, for the first time in his life, so far as I can recall. When I went into check on him last night, he'd pulled a bright green blanket from the floor into his crib and was snuggled into it.

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