Monday, December 15, 2008

Spoiler Alert! There's a Wondeful Splash: 64 down, 9,287 to go.

I don't know why, but this song makes me happy. Not just happy like, you know, "smiling," but happy like "everything's pretty much okay in the world so let's get a smile on that face, bucko."

Which is weird, because first, I don't usually call myself bucko and, second, it's a song that is about a woman who is on a plane that starts going down in a horrible plane wreck, and then the guy next to her who hasn't even been talking to her, consoles her as the plane goes down by telling her they're going to a birthday party, and then the plane crashes into the ocean and sinks to the bottom.

You know, so not, superficially at least, the happiest song. But listen to it and see if at the end you don't feel like things are pretty much okay in the world, too...

...Down... To Go: Stick with it long enough, and you'll know everything about me and everything about all the songs on my iPod. Song 63 here, Bucko.


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