Saturday, June 20, 2009

I'll never know if Sweetie actually looked at the toad. Unless I ask her. (Actual Things I Thought, 2)

Actual Things I Thought (and some actual things Sweetie said) While Roaming Around The Henry Vilas Zoo with Sweetie, Mr F and Mr Bunches today:

Am I in the right place? Why can't I ever find the zoo? They should have signs telling where the zoo is.

* * * * *

I don't know if that's a chicken or a peacock. Zoos should really make an effort to keep regular animals out of them because I'd feel dumb if I took a picture of an animal that wasn't supposed to be in the zoo. Like when geese come into the zoo pond and I don't know if they're supposed to be exotic wild geese or if it's just a goose.

* * * * *

Whatever happened to that disease that pra
irie dogs spread? Wasn't it called Monkeypox? I wonder why it wasn't Prairie Dog Pox.

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Sweetie: "That's ugly." (About a badger.)

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I wish that buffalo would look up so I could get a cool picture of a buffalo looking up at me.

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I can never find the poison blue frog. Years and years I've been coming here and I've never seen it. I bet they don't have a poisonous blue frog in that glass cage.

* * * * *

Me: "That is a big toad. Did you see it?"

Sweetie: "Yes."

Me: (Thinking): I bet she didn't even look at it.

* * * * *

Why is there an ad for the Madison Water Utility? That poster is clearly an ad for the Madison Water Utility, but do they have to advertise? I bet they do because of bottled water. I never thought that bottled water might be hurting the water utility's bottom line. But aren't they tax supported?

* * * * *

Me: (To Mr F): "Look, it's an emu."

Reads sign.

Me: "No, it's a rhea. Whatever that is."

* * * * * *

At the spot where you buy little ice cream cones of goat food: That second cone is only, like, 2/3 full. But I paid 75 cents for it. Would it be rude to ask him to fill it all the way up? Probably. But why would that be rude?

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I wonder if that goat will bite him. (As Mr Bunches fed the goat)

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Why are all the ladies wearing jeans? Aren't they hot? It's like 90 degrees out here?

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How do we get to the part of the zoo where those weird howls are coming from? None of these animals are howling.

* * * * * *

Where's Mr Bunches? Never mind. Got him.

* * * * *

I'd really like to drink the soda I had in the stroller rack, but I left it alone in the stroller while we went into the reptile house and now I'm not going to
drink it in case someone spit in it.

* * * * *

Me: (To Mr F): Look! It's the lion enclosure.

(Reads sign)

Me: I guess it's the tiger enclosure. Let's look for tigers.


Me: I guess the tigers aren't out today.

* * * * *

That lion is in the exact same position as it was last year when we were here. Exact same position. I could prove it, too, if I took a picture of it and compared it to the picture I have at home that I took of it last year. But wouldn't people think maybe I just copied the picture again?

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Why is it important to give the animals names from their home country? "Jabari The Giraffe?" Would it be insensitive to just call him Harold?

* * * * *

Those signs announcing that chimpanzees are "
not monkeys, they are GREAT APES" seem sort of pushy.

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The Madison Water Utility could do a little less advertising here and a little more putting in actual bubblers to drink from.

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Those people look a little too biker-y to be at the zoo. You don't picture Harley riders coming and looking at penguins.

* * * * *

Me: (To Mr F): Look, it's a piranha.

(Looks around for sign. There's no sign)

Me: I'm pretty sure.

Update: After reading this, Sweetie asked me: "What frog?" FYI, Sweetie, it was a toad, and I knew you didn't look.

Also, she said, "I'm gonna put in there some things I was thinking, like this: He's not watching our children. He's not watching our children. I'm gonna punch him..."

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