Monday, August 17, 2009

The hot fudge wasn't hot, but that's a minor quibble, I suppose. (3 Good Things From 8/16/09)

What a long day! Working, driving... um... sitting? Okay, so it wasn't strenuous. And it had 3 Good Things for me to think of today:

1. The Hot Fudge Shake from Dairy Queen, which I got when we took the Babies! and Oldest and The Boy for ice cream, actually tasted like Hot Fudge.

2. I am really extraordinarily proud of the tagline: This summer, Maxine Likes 'Em Big. I mean, everything I write is great, but I really liked that one.

3. Even though I was an hour late getting home, Sweetie waited dinner for me. She's amazing.

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